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Aluminum alloy mechanical polishing is a method of grinding and polishing the surface of aluminum alloy through mechanical equipment. It usually uses the grinding machine, polishing machine and other equipment, and processing the aluminum alloy surface through different particle size or polishing wheels to achieve the purpose of improving surface smoothness and peace. Mechanical polishing can remove defects such as oxides, oxide, scratches, etc. on the surface of the aluminum alloy, making its surface smoother and bright.

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Chemical polishing is a method of processing the surface of aluminum alloy using chemical agents. It usually uses chemicals such as acid, alkali, and has a chemical response to the surface of aluminum alloy, dissolving or transforming oxides and dirt on the surface, thereby improving the smoothness and brightness of the surface. Chemical polishing can quickly remove the oxidation layer and dirt on the surface of the aluminum alloy in a short period of time, so that its surface can be repaired and improved to a certain extent.

Aluminum alloy mechanical polishing and chemical polishing are widely used in industrial manufacturing and decoration. Mechanical polishing is commonly used for surface treatment of aluminum alloy products, such as car parts, electronic equipment shells, furniture, building materials, etc. It can improve the appearance quality of the product and increase the added value of the product. Chemical polishing is often used for surface repair and cleaning of aluminum alloy products, such as aluminum alloy doors and windows, kitchen utensils, tableware, etc. It can remove the oxidation layer and dirt on the aluminum alloy surface, and restore its original smoothness and brightness.

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