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The aluminum alloy extrusion process is a commonly used metal processing process to create a variety of complex aluminum alloy profiles and parts. After heating the aluminum alloy billet to a certain temperature, this process is pressed into the mold by squeezing machine to produce plastic deformation and eventually obtain the required product.

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The aluminum alloy extrusion process has the following characteristics:

1. High efficiency: The squeezing process can achieve continuous production and high production efficiency. One extruder can process multiple profiles at the same time, which greatly improves production efficiency.

2. Save materials: The squeezing process can make full use of aluminum alloy billets to reduce the production of waste. At the same time, the squeezing process can also reduce the waste of materials through reasonable design of molds.

3. Excellent mechanical properties: The squeezing process can make the aluminum alloy material produce a small grain structure and improve the strength and hardness of the material. The squeezed aluminum alloy products have high tensile strength and corrosion resistance.

4. Diverse product shapes: The squeezing process can make various shapes of aluminum alloy profiles and parts, such as round pipes, square tubes, groove profiles, horn materials, etc. Through reasonable design of molds, complex alien products can also be created.

5. Multiple aluminum alloy: squeezing process is suitable for a variety of aluminum alloy materials, including common aluminum alloy series, such as 1000 series, 2000 series, 3000 series, 5000 series, 6000 series and 7000 series.

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