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Analysis of the drilling operation method in the drilling of aluminum profile drilling

The drilling of aluminum and aluminum profiles can be manual drill, table diamonds and CNC drills. Manual drill is suitable for small batch, irregular drilling holes, and Taiwan drills are suitable for medium -batch drilling holes. CNC drills are suitable for large -scale drilling. Before the drilling, the position should be marked to determine the depth and diameter of the drilling.

Drilling is different from traditional drilling processing methods. It mainly relies on specific drilling technology for processing. The drilling drilling operation method of aluminum profile drilling is explained in detail, as shown below:

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The aluminum profile drilling is processed to wipe the tablet table, the surface of the fixture, and the benchmark surface of the workpiece to clamp the workpiece. It is required to be flat and reliable to facilitate observation and measurement. Pay attention to the method of installing the workpiece to prevent the workpiece from deformed due to the fixture.

Before the drilling of aluminum profile drilling, you must try drilling before drilling: to make the drill head horizontal blade aimed out a shallow pit with an eyebrow -like eye, and then visually check whether the position of the shallow pit is correct, and the shallow pit and inspection are rounded. Coaxial axis. If the departure is small, it can force the workpiece to move from the opposite direction of deviating at the same time as the drilling to achieve gradually correction. If you deviate too much, you can hit a few eyes in the opposite direction or use a few grooves with a gardenia, and the aluminum profile drilling processing plant. The purpose of this is to reduce the cutting resistance of this part, thereby Drill the drills deviate and adjust the position of the center of the drill and the center of the hole. Test the drill out of the groove, and then deepen the shallow pit until the shallow pit and the inspection square or the test round coincide, and then drill out the hole.

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