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Benefits of Anodizing

Anodizing provides a number of benefits for aluminum, increasing the product’s quality and versatility. This includes improved durability, excellent aesthetics, and sustainability.


The thickened oxide layer is almost as hard as a diamond, protecting the relatively soft aluminum material underneath. Since the anodic coating is essentially a conversion of the aluminum surface to aluminum oxide, it creates a chemical bond to the metal. Therefore, the surface layer is less likely to chip or peel. When processed correctly, most of the colors included in the porous layer will have a high level of UV and weathering resistance.


The anodized layer is generally considered to provide an attractive appearance. On its own, the anodizing surface is transparent or “glasslike,” giving your product a high-quality surface, with no coloring needed. However, a beautiful range of colors can also be added to the anodized surface. This is possible because the anodized surface is porous, allowing dyes to be deposited into the pores, creating an attractive, long-lasting color.

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Another benefit of anodizing is its metallic appearance, which highlights the aluminum itself. By comparison, a painted surface can create a more plastic-like appearance.


Anodizing is the most environmentally friendly surface finishing process — particularly when sulfuric acid anodizing and colors without chromium are used. By protecting the aluminum surface and preventing corrosion, anodizing extends the life of the aluminum product, thus decreasing its life cycle cost. Furthermore, anodized products can be directly recycled, unlike painted ones, which have to go through a pretreatment process to remove the paint and harmful chemicals.

The Anodizing Process

The anodizing process consists of several process steps and can be divided into three phases: pre-treatment, anodizing, and post-treatment.

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